Editorial board
Editors of this journal work on a purely voluntary basis without remuneration. This secures the freedom of taking editorial decisions purely based on scientific quality assurance without any interference with the economic interests an open-access publisher might have.
Managing editor

Jannick Ingrin
UMET, CNRS Université de Lille

Chief editors

Etienne Balan
Sorbonne Universite
Subject areas
Subject areas
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals

Reto Gieré
University of Pennsylvania
Earth and Environmental Science
Earth and Environmental Science
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Fluid-rock interaction
Metamorphic petrology
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Fluid-rock interaction
Metamorphic petrology
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals

Sergey Krivovichev
St.Petersburg State University
Russian Federation
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal chemistry
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
Crystal chemistry
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure

Elisabetta Rampone
University of Genova
Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV)
Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV)
Subject areas
Subject areas
Experimental petrology
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Structure and properties of melts
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Structure and properties of melts

Carlos Rodriguez-Navarro
University of Granada
Dept. Mineralogy and Petrology
Dept. Mineralogy and Petrology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Clay minerals
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Fluid-rock interaction
Soil mineralogy
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Fluid-rock interaction
Soil mineralogy
Advisory editor
Christian Chopin
Laboratoire de Géologie
Laboratoire de Géologie
Associate editors
Rossella Arletti
University of Modena and Reggio Emilina
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal chemistry
High-pressure study of minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
High-pressure study of minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Elena Belluso
University of Torino
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Cristian Biagioni
Università di Pisa
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal chemistry
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
Crystal chemistry
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
Luca Bindi
University of Florence
Department of Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal chemistry
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
X-ray and mineral structure
Crystal chemistry
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
X-ray and mineral structure
Tiziana Boffa Ballaran
Universität Bayreuth
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal chemistry
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Physical properties of minerals
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Physical properties of minerals
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Martine Buatier
Université de Franche Comté
UMR CHronoEnvironnement
Département Géosciences
UMR CHronoEnvironnement
Département Géosciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Clay minerals
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Fluid-rock interaction
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Fluid-rock interaction
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Paola Comodi
Università di Perugia
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Subject areas
Subject areas
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Mineral physics
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Giuseppe Cruciani
University of Ferrara
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal chemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Crystal chemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Giovanni De Giudici
University of Cagliari
Chemical and Geological Sciences
Chemical and Geological Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Cristiano Ferraris
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle -Minéralogie CP 52
Earth Science
Earth Science
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
Edward Grew
University of Maine
Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
Metamorphic petrology
New minerals and systematic mineralogy

Chiara Groppo
University of Torino
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Dept. of Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Numerical modelling of minerals
Metamorphic petrology
Numerical modelling of minerals

Sandro Jahn
LMU Munich
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
Structure and properties of melts
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
Structure and properties of melts
Alessio Langella
Naples University Federico II
Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources
Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Resources
Subject areas
Subject areas
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Soil mineralogy
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Soil mineralogy

Didier Laporte
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
Subject areas
Subject areas
Experimental petrology
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Mineral physics
Structure and properties of melts
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Mineral physics
Structure and properties of melts

Francisca Martinez-Ruiz
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-Univ. Granada)
Marine Geosciences
Marine Geosciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Clay minerals
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Soil mineralogy
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Soil mineralogy

Klaus Mezger
Universität Bern
Institut für Geologie
Institut für Geologie
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology

Nobuyoshi Miyajima
Bayerisches Geoinstitut/University Bayreuth
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal chemistry
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Experimental petrology
Mineral physics
Physical properties of minerals
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Experimental petrology
Mineral physics
Physical properties of minerals

Massimo Nespolo
Université de Lorraine
Jean Barriol
Jean Barriol
Subject areas
Subject areas
X-ray and mineral structure

Alessandro Pavese
Universita' di Torino
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Subject areas
Subject areas
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
X-ray and mineral structure
Physical properties of minerals
X-ray and mineral structure

Alberto Pérez-Huerta
The University of Alabama
Dept. of Geological Sciences
Dept. of Geological Sciences
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy

Maurizio Petrelli
University of Perugia
Department of Physics and Geology
Department of Physics and Geology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Structure and properties of melts
Structure and properties of melts

Rubén Piña
University Complutense Madrid
Mineralogy and Petrology
Mineralogy and Petrology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Ore deposits and mineral resources

Stefano Poli
Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Subject areas
Subject areas
Experimental petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Dejan Prelevic
University Belgrade
Faculty of Mining and Geology
Department of MKPG
Faculty of Mining and Geology
Department of MKPG
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology

Dmitry Pushcharovsky
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation
Subject areas
Subject areas
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure
New minerals and systematic mineralogy
X-ray and mineral structure

Thilo Rehren
The Cyprus Institute
Subject areas
Subject areas

Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo
University of Granada
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Mineralogy and Petrology
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Mineralogy and Petrology
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Fluid-rock interaction
Fluid-rock interaction
Cliff Shaw
University of New Brunswick
Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Experimental petrology
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Structure and properties of melts
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Structure and properties of melts
Roland Stalder
University of Innsbruck
Mineralogy and Petrography
Mineralogy and Petrography
Subject areas
Subject areas
Experimental petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Elena Sturm
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Crystal growth and mineral formation
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Electron microscopy of minerals and rocks
Environmental and bio-mineralogy
Riccardo Tribuzio
University of Pavia
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Jun Tsuchiya
Ehime University
Geodynamics Reserach Center
Geodynamics Reserach Center
Subject areas
Subject areas
Defects in minerals and phase transitions
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
High-pressure study of minerals
Mineral physics
Numerical modelling of minerals
Physical properties of minerals
Dewashish Upadhyay
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Metamorphic petrology
Vincent van Hinsberg
McGill University
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Metamorphic petrology
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Rucheng Wang
Subject areas
Subject areas
Accessory minerals
Crystal chemistry
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Crystal chemistry
Ore deposits and mineral resources
Elisabeth Widom
United States
Miami University
Geology & Environmental Earthh Science
Miami University
Geology & Environmental Earthh Science
United States
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Structure and properties of melts
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Structure and properties of melts

Qun-Ke Xia
Zhejiang University
School of Earth Sciences
School of Earth Sciences
Subject areas
Subject areas
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals
Igneous petrology
Mantle petrology and geochemistry
Spectroscopic methods applied to minerals