Manuscript types
The following types of manuscripts are considered for peer-reviewed publication in the European Journal of Mineralogy (EJM):
- Research articles report substantial and original scientific results within the journal scope.
- Review articles provide an in-depth view of subjects of general interest or of rapidly developing areas in the field of mineralogy. They are composed of a selective collection of published information, analyzed and reinterpreted, providing new perspectives. Review articles will undergo the same review procedure as research articles.
- Letters are intended to allow rapid, preliminary publication of results of exceptional importance in condensed form; the complete paper may follow at a later date. The corresponding author should include a cover letter clearly explaining the necessity for rapid, preferential publication of the paper. The chief editor will arrange with one of the associate editors to obtain a review on very short notice. Letters should be prepared like articles, but they should usually not exceed four printed pages with a maximum of three tables or figures.
- Book reviews provide a "critique" of a book and are not primarily a summary. They should contain less than 1000 words and the title should start with "Book review".
- CNMNC Newsletters are restricted to CNMNC officers. They present new minerals and nomenclature modifications approved over the year.
- Special issue editorials present, synthesize, and summarize the findings and conclusions of the papers published in a special issue.